Christ's final word to His church, prior to ascending into heaven, was that it would receive power to a dynamic witness about Salvation to all peoples. Since that date the message and the 'charge' has remained the same.
To empower the church to carry out this command effectively God has provided numerous mediums through which the message can be delivered. All of these, when enshrouded by prayer and directed by the Holy Spirit, can become a powerful force. Gospel tracts is the medium which has been chosen by Soul Harvest Outreach, and we feel it would be most beneficial to make our articles available
to other believers, worldwide, who also share
in this type of evangelistic endeavours.
Please look over the on-line tracts carefully, and then, if they are commensurate with what you believe, and with what you think would be beneficial in your outreach endeavours, please email me, and I will send you your request. Although we do not demand payment for the articles shipped, a token donation to cover the cost of postage would be greatly appreciated. God richly bless you as you labour together
with us in fulfilling His commission to "be His witness in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the uttermost parts of the world."
Other tracts presently available:*
"Confronting The God Questions"; "God's Chosen Chef"; "Inspect Your Life"; "Life Beyond Life"; "My Cross - His Angels"; "New Life - New Hope"; "Quotable Quotes"; "Thanks For The Round"; "The Unique Christ"; "Three Things God Does Not Know"; "Too Late - Too Late"; "Xmas Or?"; "Unmistakenly Changed"; "Weights Of The Cross"
* If you would like to receive samples of these tracts that are not up on the web, please email me, and I will gladly send you a sample package.
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Email: |
Denomination: |
Country: |
Tract Request |
Num. Of Tracts |
Mailing Address
if Tracts are requested
No address - No mailing! |
Although the Gospel tracts are offered free,
a financial donation to cover costs of mailing
would be appreciated.
Please send donation to:
Harvest Christian Fellowship,
10122 - 125th Street,
Surrey, BC., Canada V3V 3B5

Contact Harvest Outreach
"Inviting Humanity To Christ's 'Table Of Grace' Through Gospel Tract Outreach!"