Deception, or the act of uknowingly being tricked to believing that something is, when it isn’t, is the worst plight that can befall man. Being fraudulently sold a bill of goods often causes individuals to lose the trust they might have towards a person or system. Truth, and nothing but the truth, is what people want! But they have not always received it!
Mankind for countless centuries has not been given the truth about SIN, it’s influence and its final outcome. Instead, he has been seditiously hoodwinked into accepting a dishonest report about SIN which espouses that man is evolving towards the peak of “moral health” and does not need the help of any external power to overcome it.

DECEPTION #1 - Sin Is Nothing More Than A Social Crisis!
It is generally accepted that SIN is nothing more than a human crisis in man’s battle of good versus evil. Many regard SIN as a faut paux, or as an error in moral judgment, and, therefore, it’s really nothing to get overly excited about.
Sin, however, does exist and it is a matter that should seriously be considered! It is more than a faux pas. When correctly evaluated, one discovers that it is an affront against a Holy and Righteous God manifested through acts of willful disobedience to His commands. This was first demonstrated by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
Through Adam’s open, purposed and willful defiance of God’s command, sin befell all of creation and wove its web of iniquity into the soul of every person that would be born. Rightly Scripture concludes, therefore, "They are all gone aside, they have altogether become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one!" (Psalms 55:3)

DECEPTION #2 - Sin Is Selective In Whom It Influences!
It would be comforting to believe that only a select portion of humanity is affected and controlled by sin. You know, those who are the dregs of society - child molesters, drug addicts, murders and 'money sharks'!
After all, those are bad people, really bad people, and one would expect them to be governed by its unwholesome schemes.
Shocking as it might be the ‘up and ups’ of society who live in expensive homes, drive luxury cars and wear fancy up-to-date clothing are also persistently influenced and overtaken by SIN. The Apostle Paul comments concerning this saying, “For all have sinned and are continuously coming short of the glory of God”, (Roman 3:23).

DECEPTION #3 - Sin Has Different Levels Of Severity!
Man regards the severity of one’s evil by the immensity of harm done. The child molester or the serial murderer, according to society, is a more devilish monster than the liar, adulterer or the thief and rightly deserves a greater, more cruel sentence or punishment. Because man regards evil this way he expects God to look at it in the same manner.
Not so! SIN before God is SIN. There is no hierarchy of evil with Him! Therefore, the liar, the murderer, the thief and the adulterer are all under the same judgement and condemnation for breaking the laws of God! Scripture supports this claim when it states, "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all", (James 2:10).

DECEPTION #4 - Man Will Eventually Hoist Himself Beyond Sin’s Control!
Postulated by many is the thesis that man is bigger than the problem of sin. All he must do to be released from sin’s grip is get educated. Once educated man believes that he will have the tools to fan the good in man and bring about positive social reforms by which the unregenerate of society will rise above their inappropriate lifestyles.
Sounds good - but will it work? Society has already spent millions of dollars on educational and social programs with a sincere hope that man’s unwholesome life-style can be altered for good. The scheme hasn’t worked in the past, and the evidence strongly suggests that it won’t work in the future!
All of man's good and righteous works come before God . . . as filthy rags", (Isaiah 64:6). They are vain instruments towards righteousness because they incite pride within man which alienates him further from God. Sin, by which man is entrapped, has beguiled mankind into believing that he can work himself out of his sinful dilemma. The fact is he cannot! With every self-directed attempt many pursues to be liberated from sin, he sinks to a lower sense of despair because no matter how hard he tries, he cannot find the peace with God he so badly desires.
Man needs to step beyond his self-centered, self-directed and self-serving attempts to solve the crisis of SIN and its perversions. He needs to look to a greater, more efficient external aid, JESUS CHRIST, who ALONE can lift man above and beyond the control of SIN. Then and only then will man be able to comprehend and live the life of righteousness which comes from God.
God is not interested in good works appeasement for sin; rather, He desires a broken and contrite heart", (Psalm 51:17 & 18), which will motivate man to repent, turn from his sinful lifestyle to follow God. As one repents, faith is increased to trust God, rather than self, to see life changed.

DECEPTION #5 - God Has Chosen To Forgive And Save Only A Few, Select Sinners!
Often suggested is the idea that since sin is an affront against God, God has a limited number of sins that He is willing to forgive.
A gracious, kind, loving and forgiving God does not deal with sin that way! He could, but He has chosen not to! Instead of condemning and abandoning mankind in his pathetic condition, God commissioned Christ, His only begotten Son, to set aside His glory, leave heaven, and come to earth to seek and to save those that were lost", (John 3:17) regardless of heinous acts he might have done!
Christ obeyed the Father’s command, and willingly died on the cross to become man’s Redeemer Friend. Salvation’s plan is complete; now man can be FREE FROM SIN and the unwholesome control it once held on his life. The chasm of sin which separated man from God has been forever bridged. Man now has the opportunity to return to the God of Eden and know Him personally.
In light of this, man needs to take to heart to God’s passionate plea, "Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon," (Isaiah 55:7) Christ's sole purpose in coming to earth was to be the Saviour of the world so that fallen, depraved, and desolate mankind could know the hope of eternal life.
The door of God's grace is open for you. You, regardless of the sin you've committed, can COME to God, through Christ, JUST AS YOU ARE! When you do, He will receive you, He will forgive you, and He will restore you into fellowship with God, "for whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved," (Romans 10:13). Why not come to Christ today and receive from His gracious hand the gift of salvation He offers? Tomorrow, because of unforseen circumstances, may be too late!