Recongizing that the church's ministry needs to move beyond the sanctuary walls to the 'highways and byways so the house of the Lord might be filled," Harvest Outreach participates in as extension kingdom seed planting ministries as possible.
In so doing, Harvest Outreach understands Paul's injunction we, as Christ's witnesses, should attempt to become all things to all people so that all means we might win some to Christ. Following Paul's urgent call, Harvest Outreach has set up a number of venues through which we can introduce our fellow man to Christ as Saviour and Lord.
Consider contacting us either by email or by phone if you wish to participate in any of the following endeavours.
Gospel Tract
Publication |
City Touch Outreach
Ministry |
As God, by the Holy Spirit, inspires us,
we write new tracts in which the story
of salvation through Jesus Christ is presented in simple, yet clear terms.
Tracts presented for publication/printing/distribution
should be no longer than 1200 words in length
and should fill an 8.5 X 11 sheet of paper two sides.
We only publish tracts that clearly present
Christ's redemptive grace; anything else
will be returned.
Send your PDF proof to
PressTimePublications@gmail.com for consideration
The Quest For Souls Seminar |
An in-depth training seminar on
evangelism over a three day weekend,
or over a one evening, five week period.
The seminar includes showing of
relevant and edifying DVD's,
MSPowerPoint presentations, personal stories of witness, as well as providing teaching on a number of elements of evangelistic outreach including
"God's Tool Box For Effective Witness".
The seminar has been presented in Romanian Muldova. Those who have attended have been blessed and have noticed enthusiasm in their desire to reach others for Christ. The seminar is provided free of cost. Churches desiring this should contact us by emailing or phoning us. One
presentation is offered in the spring,
while another is offered during the fall. Because we believe evangelism is a local church endeavour, we prefer presenting it
in a congregational setting.
Because Harvest an intense desire to see others
come to a knowledge of Christ as Saviour and Lord,
we support churches which presents the Alpha Course
by providing advertising through our adjunct business,
Press Time Publications. Although often there is not a
sharp increase in the number of people attending churches after Alpha has been offered, we strongly believe that God does bring those who need to know him into these
seminars. In 2008, for example, a Buddhist woman
attended every session except one. Her comment, as the seminar concluded, "I'm beginning to understand the Bible, and I'm going to continue reading it." We are delighted to work with those who offerthis program because we know
that as we are faithful planting the 'good seed of the
gospel, God will allow others to water it, and He will
bring about the increase.
With Alpha, we present the Money Master Seminar, a
Bible based course, which encouraged attendees to become 'stewards of financial resources towards econmic sustainability'. Along with presenting tested principles of financial management for economic stability, we also
present the glorious gospel of redemption through Christ during this seminar. Each attendee receives a
professionally designed and printed booklet which restates the information presented along with CD's of the seminar.
If you would like to help with either of these outreach endeavours, contact me by email or by phone.

Contact Gordon Necemer
"Inviting Humanity To Christ's Table Of
Grace Through Gospel Tract Outreach!"