She was someone’s daughter. She probably had been raised in a respectable orthodox Jewish home and had been instructed in the dogmas of the Ten Commandments, the Torah and the Jewish Ceremonial Laws from childhood. Without question, therefore, she clearly understood the necessity of living an upright and undefiled life.
But something happened! ‘Somewhere along the path’ she became disdainfully side tracked and she fell into prostitution.
What brought this about, I’m not sure! It could have been initiated to avoid a life-style of poverty, or it may have befallen her through association with the undesirable peers of her day.
Although we cannot be certain as to the reason for her ‘fall from social grace’, we know that it happened. The young lady made a judgement call that was against the law of God. This, much to her discredit, created a life crisis which she would never be able to justify.
Without dispute she had become a reproach to herself, to her family, to her community and to her religious traditions which she held dear!
Through this one transgression she bankrupted herself of all moral dignity. She willingly gave up her self-worth, her self-respect and her self-esteem. In exchange for these she received a lifelong labelling of being the lowest of the low - ‘a scum bag’, and an outcast. Regardless of what she might attempt to do to relinquish her past, she would never be released from its deeply entrenched scars!
Simply put, she was doomed to a life of relentless, irreversible shame! Such being the case, no one would dare breathe her name, never mind say it. Forever she would be known as ‘the prostitute who fell out of grace’. Day and night her story would be retold by unsympathetic contemptuous gossipers who thrived on the ill plight of the weak and simple! The religious elite were swift to attack her; like vultures they descended upon her, bound her and then dragged her mercilessly to the Temple Courtyard to be tried by her peers.
Judgement was guaranteed. It would be swift and cold hearted; a dramatic object lesson of the grave consequences which befalls those who transgress the Law! There was only one possible and appropriate penalty awaiting this prostitute - death by being stoned!
And stoning it would be, for ‘he who was raised under the Law, out of necessity, by the Law he should be judged!’ According to established protocol, there was no possibility for an appeal of the sentence.
Jesus was in the Temple Courtyard a short distance away sharing His teachings with His disciples. The Pharisees, hoping to gain His sanction for stoning the wretched, debased prostitute sought Him out. Jesus kindly entertained the religious ruler’s arguments regarding the appropriate punishment for the prostitute. Quickly, however, He realized that they were not interested in justice, but in vengeance. Instead of responding verbally to their question, He wrote something in the sand for their consideration.
Not being satisfied with Christ’s first response, they confronted Him a second time about the woman’s destiny. To this second, pressing questioning He answered them directly saying, “He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone,” (John 8:7)
Christ’s response to their vindictive agenda ‘cut the religious elite to the bone.’ Immediately the hostile crowd dispersed angrily leaving Christ and the woman alone with no one willing to judge or condemn her further.
What happened next was far beyond her fairest expectation; Christ turned to her and said, “Neither do I condemn thee; go and sin no more,” (John 8:12) Christ shattered the chains of evil and pierced the darkness of her world with the light of acceptance and forgiveness.
Imagine with me the unrestrained joy and freedom this woman felt at the moment! Minutes earlier she was a prostitute, abandoned by her peers and condemned to certain death. But now, because of Christ’s intervention into her life, she had been restored to dignity and elevated to favour with God and man. Instantly the broken soul was healed and the anxious mind found peace. The world of despair had been changed to a world of delight!
What else should we expect!
Mankind, in general, believes that one needs to be a better person. There must be a better life than fear and guilt; the dream fantasized must be realized. Christ is the fulfillment of that dream.He, alone, can bring the wretched beggar to the table of grace and transform him into an individual of worth. (Jeremiah 17:7 & 8).
Scripture makes it clear that Christ was sent to the world for the express purpose dying on the cross at Calvary so that mankind could be redeemed from the curse of the law. Through this gracious gift, those who had been deemed second rate because of sin, could find and enjoy full release from the guilt sin placed on them. (Romans 5:1 & 2).
Good news is heralded to sinful man; nobody, absolutely nobody, is restricted from enjoying Christ’s forgiveness, regardless of the wrongs he has done! The liar, the thief, the adulterer, the murder and, yes, even YOU can know full pardon from sin, “for with God there is no respect of persons,” (Romans 2:11). Paul the Apostle, puts it best when he writes, “This is a faithful saying, worthy of acceptance; Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief,” (I Timothy 1:15)
God is not interested in having His creation hounded by the guilt of past sins. He, instead, wants man to enjoy His gift of life - ABUNDANT LIFE - which brings about deep settled peace, joy, acceptance and hope to the seeking, repentant soul. Christ has made obtaining forgiveness very simple. To unregenerate, wayward man, God says, “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon,” (Isaiah 55:7).
In order to receive this gift you must come as you are and receive it from Christ’s gracious hand of mercy. There is nothing that you can do to merit His kind gift of salvation! You do not have to clean yourself up, improve your behaviour, or do penance for your sins before you can approach Christ’s cross for salvation. All you have to do is ‘COME’, “For it is by grace that you are saved, through faith; not of works lest any man should boast, it is the gift of God,” (Eph. 2:10).
Redemption’s plan is complete; the large chasm of sin which forever separated man from God has now been forever bridged. Man, now, can be reinstated into the fellowship with God that Adam and Eve enjoyed in Eden! You, like the prostitute, may be entangled by a web of sin that is destroying you from within and without. Maybe, just maybe, your life has lost the lustre it once had and you’re ready to ‘throw in the towel’ because you lack direction, purpose, and joy.
Friend, don’t give up! There is hope for you. Right now run to the caring, loving arms of Christ and, “cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you,” (I Peter 5:7). When you do, He will accept you, He will forgive you, He will save you, and He will transform you into the person He wants you to be.
You may be the worst sinner on planet earth guilty of all manner of detestable deeds and void of any profitable purpose in life. That’s your past! Your future can be radically different! It can be one of joy, purpose and RESTORED DIGNITY if you will come to Christ today by:
-- Admitting that you are a sinner;
-- Repenting and turning from your sin;
-- Inviting Christ into your heart as Saviour;
-- Reading your Bible daily;
-- Sharing your new found faith with others.
Christ is patiently waiting for your response. Come to Him today while time affords you the opportunity; tomorrow, because of unforeseen circumstances, may be too late. God bless you as you consider your decision. If you should need further help in understanding the message of Christ’s grace and forgiveness call the phone number below or seek out the help of any Bible believing Pastor. |