Reinhold was a thirty-five year old ‘yuppie’ who was well on the road to financial success. He was well dressed, he owned an impressive home, he had two new cars for his driving pleasure and his bank accounts boasted more than sufficient funds from which he could satisfy all his desires, real or imagined. He, by the age of thirty-five, had tasted opulence, and in no way was he ready to sacrifice his present life style for anything which might further distract him from enjoying it to the fullest.
The ‘big deal’ for which he had waited over a year was just about to come down, when suddenly and unexpectedly, Reinhold began to feel unwelcomed excruciating heart pains throughout the day. At first Reinhold ignored these pains, passing them off as nothing more than "stress pangs", but when they persisted for a full week he decided that it would be in his best interest to visit the family doctor.
During his first appointment Reinhold explained to the doctor that he had been working longer hours than usual and that he was certain that if he could cut down his work load he soon would begin to feel better. His doctor agreed with him and sent Reinhold home thinking that, in fact, both he and his patient had found the cure to Reinhold’s problem.
Within the month, however, Reinhold was back. This second visit showed that he was in worse condition than he or the ‘doc’ could ever have anticipated. Something drastically was wrong with Reinhold! His marriage was falling apart, he had lost most of his business contacts, and he had adopted an extremely negative and unproductive attitude towards life in general. Reinhold at this time also was under extreme nervous tension and he demonstrated behavioural patterns associated with acute dementia. His body metabolism had reached such a low that he required immediate hospital care if he were to survive.
Approximately one and one half months of acute remedial care and treatment passed before Reinhold was released from the hospital with strict instructions that he was to report to his doctor within one week. In spite of all the treatment he had been given it was apparent to all the medical officers that Reinhold’s condition had not improved.
Early the next Monday morning Reinhold arrived at the doctor’s office as had earlier been arranged. "I’ve got to be honest with you, Reinhold," the doctor said, "we’ve provided you with the best medical care possible but inspite of this we see no improvements in your condition. Because of this, there is absolutely nothing more we can do to help you. I suggest that you take a leave of absence from your job for six months and see if that helps your condition to improve. Think it over for a week and then let me know your decision." Reinhold, recognizing the severity of his problem, took the doctor’s counsel to heart and quit work immediately.
Four months passed when Reinhold made his third visit to the doctor’s office. By this time, although his heart strains had lessened, he was divorced for the third time, extremely paranoid about life itself, and he could not make it throughout the day unless he was ‘carried along’ by a high induced by alcohol or narcotics which he was consuming regularly. Out of desperation Reinhold begged the doctor to provide a solution, any solution, to his continuing problem which he knew was pulling him further and further into physical anguish and economic ruin.
The ‘doc’ recognizing Reinhold’s sincerity said, "I think that I have the prescription that will help you - this prescription is not found in a pill, a tablet or a drink - it’s found in a book! I will give it to you," he continued, "only if you’re willing to investigate it thoroughly and follow it’s instructions completely day by day. If you will do this, I know that your problems will be solved within a year or so and you will be back on the road to health and success."
Reinhold listened intently to what the doctor said and recognizing that these words just might be his only source of hope and a cure. Before the doctor could say anything more, Reinhold leaped to his feet and said, "Doc, I’ll do anything you tell me; just give me the book and let me get on with the treatment. I’m in desperate need of help; I need to be cured of my illness before it ruins me completely!
The doctor walked over to his desk, picked up a rather large Bible, presented it to Reinhold and then said, "You’re cure is in this Book. Start reading in the book of John and as you read look for the message of Jesus Christ, Who, if your truly willing, will save your soul and heal your mind and body."
From what the doctor had just said Reinhold knew that he was extremely serious in his instructions and as he walked towards the office door he said, "Doc, you’ve given lots of advice before; I’ve always listened to it, but I’ve never done anything with it. This time, Doc, you can be assured that I’m going to apply it to my life immediately.
Early the next morning Reinhold began reading his Bible as he was instructed. Although the language and the information seemed strange, he knew that if he were to get well he had to read the Book verse by verse. Within a week after reading the book of John completely Reinhold noticed that his life was being radically changed as he discovered who he really was and who he could become if he would trust the Christ of Scripture.
As Reinhold continued to faithfully read the Scriptures he discovered that his world was in chaos because he did not have God, the Light of the world, directing his paths; that he could not discern between right and wrong because he had not encountered Christ, the encompassment of truth and righteousness; and that his life was empty and unfulfilled because he had not met Christ, Who had come to give life and that, more abundantly. His attention was gripped by the New Birth experience discussed in John 3:1-16 where he discovered that God loved all humanity inspite of man’s present sinful condition. As he read on, Reinhold was forced to conclude that God’s love was freely given directly from the mind of God and that it was so intense in its purpose that it could reach and change even him, if he wanted to be part of it.
Whereas his friends had continuously condemned Reinhold for his mistakes, Reinhold learned that Christ accepted him as he was in his sin, but purposed for him a better life by dying on the cross so he could be saved "out of his sins." Without further hesitation Reinhold invited Christ to be his personal saviour by praying, "Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner separated from you because of my willful and continuous rebellion. Forgive me from all my sins and give me a new life with new goals and changed values. I now commit myself to your service today in faith - be my Saviour and Lord from now until eternity."
God helped Reinhold discover the new life he so badly needed. Within one year he was top Realtor in his office, he was remarried to a kind, loving Christian woman, and he was a vibrant contributing member of a local church. Two years to the day after having received the "doctor’s prescription" Reinhold decided that he should visit the ‘doc’ once more and acquaint him what had transpired in his life since he had last been in.
Upon seeing Reinhold the doctor was pleasantly shocked with the positive change in Reinhold’s attitude and disposition to life. Out of pure delight for Reinhold’s progress over the previous years, the doctor said with a smile beaming across his face, "If you continue following my original prescription, you will never need to visit me again for the same problem."
Perhaps you are lost, headed towards financial, personal and spiritual bankruptcy as was Reinhold. You need to get hold of a Bible, "the doctor’s prescription" immediately. Read it thoroughly so that you can discover who Christ is and then experience His unending redemption through believing in His name and the works He has done. By so doing you will be drawn out of your sin and lead into His grace through which you will receive eternal life as God’s gift to all those that come to Him.
You can come to Christ now with the assurance that "He is well able to save to the uttermost all those that come to Him by faith". Once you come to Christ, you will be changed into a new person with new values and desires; you will never be the same! This is the sure promise of God!! If you need further help in knowing more about Jesus Christ and how to make Him Lord and Saviour of your life, call upon the Pastor of any Bible believing church. He will be more than happy in helping you come to know Jesus Christ, Who is God’s heaven sent Saviour, as your personal friend. |