People often ask me if I see results in the witnessing I do either by word or by the numerous tracts I distribute from time to time. Often, when asked, I don't know exactly how to respond for two reasons; firstly, I'm not too sure whether or not those asking are tempting me to enter into a prideful confession of what the Lord does from time to time through this work, and secondly, I'm not fully convinced that they want encouragement to get on with getting on with God's call for us to be His witness and then leave the rest to Him!
In reponse to recent inquiries as to what God has been doing through the 'seed planting' He has guided me to participate in, I submit the following stories which I hope will encourage others to also 'plant the good seed of the gospel' among those who still do not know Christ as Saviour and Lord!
The Hitch Hikers:
Some years ago while I was attending Western Pentecostal Bible College in North Vancouver, BC I received a call from a pastor friend to join him visiting a patient in Vancouver General Hospital. Highly respecting this pastor both as a close, valued friend and mentor, I gladly accepted the invitation to join him for the visit.
After the visit, he invited me to join him for an early supper, and immediately thereafter I decided that I should head back to the college for the evening chapel service which I, along with the rest of the students, were expected to attend. Most often, because it was the shortest and fastest root back to North Vancouver, I would take the Lions Gate Bridge. But, on this occassion, because there was an accident on it, I was 'forced' to take the Second Narrows Bridge some distance away.
I was hurriedly making my way to the bridge when I spotted a young man and a young lady hitch hiking with a sign saying "Headed to the BC ferries terminal in Horseshoe Bay". Upon first sighting the couple I thought, "Someone else can pick them up; after all, I've got to get back to the upcoming service on time."
Suddenly, in my spirit, I felt deeply impressed that this couple needed my help, and if I offered it by providing them a ride, I just might be able to 'plant the seed of the gospel'. Without giving it a second thought, I pulled up beside them and said, "Jump in, I'll gladly take you to the ferry."
Without giving it a second thought, the couple jumped into the car, and we were on our way. For the first minute or so nothing was said, and then suddenly the young lady said, "Sir, your help is great; we'll be able to catch the next ferry."
In response I said, "Well, it's a pleasure to help you out in this small, yet significant way at least for this journey in life, I hope we meet again so I might help you safely travel the other, significant journey in life with which we are all faced."
"Pardon me," the young lady responded, "but, I've never heard that before. If you don't mind, what are you talking about!"
"Well," I said, "it's this way. All of us are traveling to eternity. You know that it's appointed unto everyone once to die - the grave yards clearly witness to that - but after that we enter into eternity where we will all stand before God and give answer to what we've done with Jesus Christ and the redemption he's offered us. That's the journey I want to help you with."
Everything was quiet in the car; not a word was said for about three or four minutes. Unexpectedly the young man said, "Isn't that strange; we've been talking about exactly that just yesterday, and we agreed that when we found time and someone to talk to about eternity, we'd investigate the matter more deeply."
Without letting him say another word I interjected, "Well, young man, the ferry doesn't leave for another hour, and I have my Bible so why don't you both accept Christ as Saviour and Lord right now?"
"You got a deal," he responded.
Upon reaching the 'break check' pull out about a mile from the ferry terminal I stopped the car, explained God's plan of rdemption through Christ and invited the couple to pray asking Christ to become Lord over their lives. Without hesitation they committed their lives to Christ.
After giving them a booklet "First Steps Of Faith", and giving them my busines card I dropped them off at the ferry terminal and left them with a few dollars for a much needed evening supper.
Four or five years passed without having any further contact with this couple. Then it happened! I was having lunch in West Vancouver with a business client when a waitress walked up to our table and said, "You're the man who picked us up when we were headed to the ferry and then prayed with us in the car. I'm so glad to see you again; my husband and I are still going on with the Lord and we attend church in North Vancouver. Thank you so much for your help on our journey to eternity." And walking to serve another table, she turned and said, "By the way, lunch is on us; it's a small gift in comparison to what you introduced us to."
The Troubled School Distict Employee
The year was 1978. I had just finished putting the next day's Language Arts material on the blackboard, and was about to sign out for the day when, unexpectedly, an employee from School District #72, (Campbell River) walked into my classroom to do some much needed painting.
After acquainting him with what needed to be done, I kindly stated to him, "Well, sir, the job's yours; I hope you don't have any problems getting it finished in the next two or three hours."
"Compared to the other problems I've got," he responded, "this will be a snap."
Without giving much attention to what he had just said, I picked up my brief case and headed out towards my car, but as I got in I noticed that the district employee was standing directly behind me as if he were uncertain as to what needed to be done in my classroom. Turning to him I asked, "Sir, did I leave something unexplained about the work to be done?"
"No, sir," he responed, "everything is clear." I'll get on to it momentarily."
Thinking that everything was fully arranged, I closed my car door, started the engine, and slowly began pulling out of the parking lot when, much to my astonishment, I heard a tapping on the car's trunk lid. Thinking that something was wrong, stopped and got out of the car. Again, much to my surprise, was the district employee. Now very perplexed to see him standing there I asked, "Sir, is there something I can help you with?"
"Well, I was wondering if you'd have a couple minutes to talk with me about some of my problems. You see," he continued, "I'm presently going through a divorce, and I don't have anyone with whom to talk about my situation."
Knowing that I couldn't abandon him in his present dilemma, we re-entered the school through a nearby door that was still unalarmed. Sitting down at a 'discussion table' I said, "Sir, I've got no more than five minutes to hear you out, and then I must be on my way to a School Board meeting in Campbell River. Please share whatever you'd like."
For the next five or ten minutes he 'poured out' his crushing sorrows and concerns, and then said, "Look, I've was told my the District Secretary that you are a Christian, and a former pastor, and you're the man who would help me find direction despite my crisis."
"Thank you for the compliment," I responded. Standing up to leave for the previously scheduled meeting, I look at the employee and said, "Here's my counsel by which you can find help - find a godly pastor who will introduce you to Christ as Saviour and Lord, and then find a godly counsellor and lawyer who will guide you to a good end. If you do this," I continued, "our meeting will not have been wasted." And having said this I left the classroom, got into my car, and drove the eighty miles to Campbell River for the meeting.
I had totally forgotten about the encounter with this man. That was until May 2001. Donna and I were in the Beijing airport waiting for our flight to Thailand. Being tired of sitting for over an hour, I said to Donna, "I've going to walk through that nearby kiosk and see if there's anything is really need."
Without waiting for her response, I made my way to the kiosk, and just before I entered it, I felt a tap on my should. Stunned by what was happening, I qucikly turned and sternly said, "Can I help you?"
A tall, rather thin man was standing directly infront of me. At first I thought he might be a police officer desiring to check my passport and visa before I departed on my next flight. As I started to question the purpose of this meeting, he quickly said, "You're Gordon Necemer, the teacher I met in Sayward in 1977 and who told me to find a godly pastor, counsellor and lawyer so my problems could be solved."
I said, "Yes, sir, I am Gordon Necemer; indeed, I am!"
"Well," he said, with a cheek to cheek smile on his face, "I'm the district employee you talked to in 1977, and I've been praying for years that I might meet you again to let you know I followed your advice. I met a godly pastor who helped me find Christ as Saviour, and a counsellor who helped me handle my stress and distress. I'm so glad you took time to share your faith with me; my life has never been the same since I followed your much appreciated wisdom."
I wanted to spend time discussing what he was doing in Beijing, but the call for boarding our next flight came sooner than expected. After saying a short prayer with him, he turned to me and said, "Listen, Gordon, when you get back to Vancouver look me up in Port Moody. I really would like to share my 'faith walk' with you if you have time."
As we waited for our flight to gain clearance for take off, I turned to our tour guide who was sitting next to me and related the story to him. "Wow, man," he said, that's tremendous - but that's what we should expect whenever we share Christ, for He told us, 'if He be lifted up, He will draw all men unto Him."
In 2003 I met with Pete, the former district employee. At that time he was remarried, attending a local Baptist Church, and attending college taking computer training. All praise and glory goes to God for what He did through a five or ten minute witness when a chosen vessel unto Him was sincerely seeking help!

Contact Gordon Necemer
"Inviting Humanity To 'Christ's Table Of Grace'
Through Gospel Tract Outreach!"