The topic of hell is not preached very often in today's politically correct and cultured churches. But, the neglect of God's servants to speak about this subject does not negate the existence of hell neither does it minimize the truth that this is the destiny of all those who live ungodly.
As a child I was taught about hell. Everytime I heard anyone speak about it intense fear gripped my heart and I decided that I would do everything within my power to avoid ending up there. But I never fully understood the gruesome reality of hell until I had the following dream at age seven.
The Dream
During this dream I was walking down a narrow gravel country road which had a number of deep 'pot holes' in it because it apparently had not been graded in some months. As I made my way down this road I envisioned Satan attempting to grab my legs so that I would trip and fall into one of the holes nearby. I was approaching the junction of this gravel road and a paved highway that I wanted to travel so that I could discover the truth of the Gospel when, suddenly, Satan grabbed both of my legs.
Before I could resist what was happening I found myself being quickly drawn downward into a deep, dark and bottomless pit. As I began my descent I could smell the stench of rotten burning flesh and I could faintly hear the screams of people, who I later discovered, were being whipped and scourged by Satan’s cronies. Within seconds I knew that I was on my way to hell; terror gripped my heart as I realized that I was now facing eternity forever totally separated from God.
Faster and faster I was thrust down this ‘tunnel of no return’, and before I could call to God to pull me out this pit, Satan turned towards me and said, "Now I’ve got you; you thought that you could escape my grip, but your good intentions and religious piety were not good enough to protect you from me!" And then in a sharp, blood curdling scream he yelled, Now you’re mine, forever and forever and forever you're mine, and there's absolutely nothing that anyone can do to change this fact!"
Seconds later Satan grabbed my right arm and as he looked at me with eyes of betraying scorn he said, Come, friend, let me show you what really is in store for you and all those who have chosen to become my slaves."
As we began our pilgrimage through the pit I discovered that the road was ‘paved’ with the crushed bones of the fallen dead who had become his prized possession. And as we moved further along his ‘halls of shame’ I saw massive boulders aflame with fire that scorched everyone who had been overcome by its heat. The intense, pervasive and continuous odour of burning flesh nauseated me. What I was seeing greatly bothered me and I again began pleading with Satan to give me one more chance to receive the grace of Christ.
As I began speaking he laughed and said, "You’ve had you’re chance for that, but you did absolutely nothing with the opportunity; now you’re mine. And besides," he continued, "there’s so much more that you need to see!" Continuing our walk I was directed to thousands upon thousands of lost, damned, and dejected souls who appeared to have been in the pit for countless aeons. Their countenances were pitted with the scars of anger, regret and sorrow. As they intensely peered towards me I strongly sensed that they were begging me to do anything possible to avoid remaining in the pit.
In another corner I saw a group of young men entrapped by chains that were loosely placed over them. In vain they attempted to uncoil the chains so that they could hopefully escape from hell. The more they tried to gain freedom, the more, it appeared, they discovered bondage. One poor, wretched, distraught soul cried out, "These chains are like unto the chains of Satan’s pleasures I enjoyed on earth - then they looked pleasing and welcoming, but now I have reaped their true end - dead works, bondage and enslavement to Satan!"
As I took steps towards the crowd nearby so that I could comfort someone in his misery, Satan tapped me on the shoulder and beckoned me to follow him further along a path which was directly ahead of us. And then, much to my dismay, I saw hell at its worse.
There, a short distance from me, was an innumerable gathering of damned souls, young and old, rich and poor, kneeling before red hot rocks pleading for them to fall upon them so that their souls could be crushed and their misery be ended. But, regardless how long or how intently they pleaded, their cries were in vain.
Grieved by what I was seeing, I turned to Satan and asked, "Are you not touched with their plight; do you not have any compassion which will move you to lessen their torment?" And snickering again he said, "Justice demands this! Salvation was freely offered to those that are here, but they callously rejected it thinking that God would overlook their arrogance. Now, because of their hardness of heart, they all are justly condemned to this!"
Upon hearing this my body shook uncontrollably, unrestrained sweat rushed down my face, and my blood curdled as I again pondered the possibility of hell being my soul’s final destiny. In desperation I turned to Satan and said, "Certainly you don’t plan to hold me in the confines of hell; after all, I am young and I haven’t done anything to deserve such suffering."
In response Satan replied, "Once you’re in the pit, you’re here to stay, and there’s nothing that you or anybody else can do to release you from the grip I hold on your soul; get use to it, man, you’re here to stay!"
In desperation I knelt before Satan and pleaded saying, "Certainly Satan, certainly there is something that I can do to have one more chance. Please," I continued, "just one more chance!"
And again Satan replied, “You’re mine, absolutely mine! Andwith this I being declared, I was ready to resign myself to eternity in hell!
The Deliverance
Suddenly, however, a sharp, bright, and penetrating light broke into the darkness and I heard a loud voice saying, "Except for the grace of Christ he is yours!" And then, like a bolt of lightning, I was propelled out of immense darkness into radiant light where freedom and peace engulfed me. Instantly I knew that I was released from Satan’s grip by God’s hand of mercy and I knew that I would never be the same.
Many years have passed since I had this vision, yet often I am driven to tears as I contemplate God’s gracious kindness towards me while I was visiting Satan’s domain. Because of His unfailing compassion I have become a partaker of His grace and I now await His glorious return when I shall be taken to live with Him forever in His kingdom.
Of this I am sure for Jesus has said . . . Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe in me; In my Father’s house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself; that where I am there ye may be also." What a glorious hope awaits me and millions of others who have entrusted their soul to Christ and His unfailing love.
Friend, you too, can have this eternal hope; you don't have to go to hell! Christ offers it to all those who will believe on Him. John 3:16 clearly states that 'God so loved the world that He freely gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes on Him should not perish but have eternal life.' Your eternal hope is guaranteed because of Christ's death on the cross.
All you need to do is ask him to come into your heart by praying, "Lord, I am a sinner; I need your forgiveness from sin. Cleanse me and make me your child so that I can spend eternity with you as you have promised if I but repent and believe on your name! Amen." Now you can be certain of spending eternity with God where there will be no crying, no darkness, no emptiness and no despair. What a difference there is between hell and heaven; if you've sincerely prayed the above prayer, friend, you've made the right choice. God bless you. |