Recognizing that we, as Christians, are co-workers with Christ and with one another we have added this ministry link page to our website. In so doing we recognize the worth of these other ministries, and we encourage you to visit their sites so that you can get acquainted with their works and support them likewise. Having critically examined the staff and the work done by each of these ministries, we are convinced that each of them are godly, credible, and sincere in the calling they've set themselves to, and, and therefore we highly recommend them.
Although numerous sites are linked to Harvest Christian Fellowship, in no way does this mean that we are soliciting funds for their works. We are only recommending that ministry for your consideration. If, however, you would like to support one of the link works, contact that ministry, get informed as to what specifically it does, and then discuss with it how you might support them financially. Make this a sincere matter of prayer; however, once you commit yourself to financial support, do not withdraw unless you have sufficient reason to do so. Ministries rely on faith gifts. God bless you for considering our associate ministries!
The House Of The Good Shepherd:
The Director for this ministry is Rob McGrath who has a dynamic ministry towards street people. The office is located in in Richmond, B.C. Canada. This ministry provides care for alcoholics, drug addicts and Street People who need help in changing their present life style. Through the care centre counselling is provided.
Meets on Sundays at 1:30 at the Burnaby Alliance Church located on Armstrong Avenue. Holds prayer meetings regularly. Presently this ministry is developing a care centre in Squamish so that those that are willing to submit to counselling and mentorship can see God change their lives.
Learn more about this ministry by going to: House Of The Good Shepherd
Mission Possible
Mission Possible, a compassionate ministry of the Nazarene Churches of B.C., is located in Vancouver, B.C. under the present leadership of Rev. Doug Wood.
This ministry is located on Vancouver's East Side and provides spiritual counsel as well as food and clothing to those who need it. Regular Bible studies are held on Tuesday afternoon and outreach services are held Friday night and Sunday afternoon.
As well as doing these ministries, Mission Possible helps those who are interested in working find full time employment.
Learn more about this ministry by going to: Mission Possible
Fraser Valley Gleaners
Fraser Valley Gleaners is located in Sumas, and is operated as joint venture between the Mennonite Central Committee and Fraser Valley Gleaners. The general manager is Carl Goosen who lives in Greendale, a short distance from plant.
The main purpose of the Fraser Valley Gleaners is to take'culled' and surplus vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, peppers, onions, green beans, etc and fruit such as applies and pears, which are donated by farmers, food processing plants, or individuals and dehydrate them so that they can be mixed as soup mixes for shipment to the needy in places such as Afghanistan, Paraguay, Chile or Brazil.
Daily between twenty-five to fifty
volunteers work here cleaning donated supplies, dehydrating them, and then packaging them for shipment to the needy around the world. Yearly over 7,000,000 servings of soup mix are made here.
Check this ministry out! You can view their website by going to: FVGleaners
Regent College
Regent College is an Internation Graduate School of Christian Studies located on the UBC campus offering Diplomas of Christian Studies, Master of Christian Studies, Master of Divinity and Master of Theology Degrees.
Of special significance to the college is it possesses the best collection of religious volumes in Canada, and it is connected, via the internet, to most, if not all, religiou journals.
Most of the faculty possess at least a Ph.D. in their special field of study, and they come from various countries within the world.
Check this ministry out! You can view its website by going to: Regent College
Eurovangelism has its office located in Mississauga, Ontario and is directed by Brian Lise. It's ministry centres around three basic endeavours - church planting, humanitarian aid, and presenting Alpha. It supports Christain endeavours in Albania, Hungary, Romania, Russia and other European countries.
Yearly 'Vision Trips' are conducted for approximately sixteen to eighteen days in September and October with Brian directing them. Those that travel on these ventures usually return with a radically different approach to missions and evangelism.
To raise support for ministries, Eurovangelism provides its Gift Catalogue during Christmas, and yearly it seeks out donations from those who are directed by the Lord to help in this type of outreach.
Check this ministry out by going to the website: Eurovangelism
Recovery Road Map:
An addiction recovery ministry whereby individuals and family receive aid in confronting and dealing with addictions through discussion forums. The website is owned by Doug Pamenter who teaches at CDI College, Surrey, BC. and who is also a member of Harvest Christian Fellowship.
Doug possesses a great amount of knowlege and experience in the area of addictions and addiction recovery. He possesses B. A. in psychology from the University of Alberta, and has studied two years of law. At one time he was an Addictions Counsellor with the Alberta Government.
The website provide a number of articles regarding addictions, and addiction recovery. Information provided is well mixed with secular and biblical counsel. Doug strongly affirms that unless there is a spiritual transformation through the inworking of the Holy Spirit, addiction recovery may be temporary.
Check this website out by going to: Recovery Road Map
Bibles For Missions, Maple Ridge:
Bibles For Missions is located at 22535 Lougheed Hwy., Maple Ridge. Working together with Bible League of Canada, and approximately thirty-five other stores, it sells goods to raise money for Bibles in Africa. All types of commodities can be purchased at the store, usually for a much, much lower price than else where.
The store is managed and operated by volunteers from within the Maple Ridge area. You will not be disappointed with your visit to the store, and you will be helping others, in Africa, discover the joy of reading scripture as it is provided.
Check out this website by going to: Bible For Missions
Frank Jeulich & Prem Sewa Orphanage, India
Prem Sewa Shikshan Sangh is an orphanage in Nagpur, India started by Frank Jeulich, from Germany, in October, 1981 for the poor children of the area. Having completed translation work with Wycliffe in India approximately six months earlier, Frank was determined that God had called him to do ministry in India.
Without having reserve finances, or guaranteed sponsors, Frank later returned to India through the help of missionaries in Germany. Upon his return, within a very short time he purchased 17.7 acres and began building an orphanage for boys. The project 'took off', and within a few years, Frank discovered that an orphanage for girls was also needed. At present, there are two dorms, a large eating area, a school, and chapel on site.
Frank has made Prem Sewa Shikshan Sangh his home, but has turned over the management of this ministry to Bapu Desai, and Yohan Raul, two of the orphans that first came to the centre in 1981.
You can learn more about this ministry by going to: Prem Sewa Mission
Woman Care Pregnacny Centre, Maple Ridge
Woman Care is a Christian counselling centre, directed by Cherlynn Toll, is located downtown Maple Ridge. It provides biblically based humanitarian aid and counselling to pregnant woman seeking direction as pertaining to their pregnancy.
WomanCare is staffed by a team of trained volunteers under the supervision of our Director. Most volunteers do not have academic degrees in counseling, therefore the peer counseling provided is not intended as a substitute for professional counseling. We offer information, emotional and spiritual support, and practical help.
Clients are served without regard to age, race, income, nationality, religious affiliation, disability or other arbitrary circumstances.
- Clients are treated with kindness, compassion and in a caring manner.
You can learn more about this ministry by going to: Woman Care
Russell Stendal - Missionary in Colombia:
Russell, along with his committed team in Bogota, Colombia, work providing Bible, books, and other Christian literature to the Kogi People, to the military, to the geurillas, and to others that the Lord gives them. While flying over the mountainous regions within Colombia, he drops out Galcom 'fixed frequency radios' that are solar powered. As individuals pick up these strange devices, they hear the gospel of Christ being preached.
Russell has written a number of books. His first one - 'Setting The Captive Free' - is about his captivity among the guerillas in 1986.
Russell has been in Colombia since the age of six with his parents, Chad and Paddy. Although both are aging, they still are an integral part of the ministry within Colombia. These help with fund raising as they travel throughout Canada and the United States yearly. But, not only do the parents help Russell in this work; praiseworthy to the Lord is that all there children are active as well. The videos on the website, for example, were produced by his daughter, Alethia or Lisa.
Check out this website by going to:Colombia Para Cristo Stendals
Listen to Russell's most recent messages by going to: Russell Speaks Out
"Inviting Humanity To 'Christ's Table Of Grace'
Through Gospel Tract Outreach!"