Man lives by and for time. It seems that his whole life is governed by time! Watch the commoner on the street or in the work place and it becomes clearly evident that time governs everything he does. +Time dictates when he should start or finish a certain task, when he must catch a ride, when his next appointment will be, and, in many cases, when he will have his next meal.
Time cannot be controlled or stopped; it is here to stay and man is well advised to make good use of it for with every minute that passes man is one tick closer to the end of his life and to the beginning of eternity. God has graciously endowed His creation with time. He strongly desires man to use this time profitably so that his life will reflect joy, fulfillment and honour in Him.
Consider this, "Only one life will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last."

Time For Birth!
No real cares or concens for life! All the basic necessities for survival are provided through parental love.
The road from birth to death and eternity has now successfully begun. Regardless of the joys or sorrows that crosses one's path, there is no turning back to man's former days in the womb!

Time For Growth!
Natural physical and emotional growth spurs onward to develop the essential motor skills and thought patterns which will prepare him to adequately cope with the pressing demands of life which will confront him.
A desire for acceptance is a highlight of this time. Skills for identity and mobility often are imparted to the person by family, friends, school and the church.

Time For Labour!
An appreciation for the 'work ethic' develops. Individuals establish themselves as contributing members with society by learning skills or trades by which they will earth their livelihood.
The belief that success is measured by the abundance of possessions one has appears to be the predominant feeling of the age.

Time For Insight!
Contemplation of spiritual pursuits is font and center as important questions such as "whom am I, where did I come from, where am I going and how can I know the real purpose of life" are asked.
Many searches to know God and to have a personal intimate relationship with Him if He really exists. Those who diligently seek after God find Him and follow His path.

Time For Aging!
The 'clock of time' has slowly clicked on and within a relatively short period of sixty or so years, man discovers that he has become older than he expected or wished.
For the greater part strength and mobility which he thought he would possess forever are now gone, and the zeal for life too fast has faded into oblivion "like a vapor" never to be recovered and enjoyed again!

Time For Death!
The pleasures, accomplishments and hopes of life are suddenly ended because of aging, illness or an untimely accident over which one has had no control.
Shocking as it might seem, there is a grave plot reserved for everyone who has been born; statistics have proven that the dead never return for a 'second run at life!"

Time For Eternity!
Although many believe that the grave is the end of all things for them, eternity does exist! It is an expanse of timelessness during which man will either dwell in heaven or hell.
Those who have refused to accept Christ's free offer of grace and have lived unto themselves will be eternally separated from God as Christ justly says to them,"depart from me for I know you not - your name is not found written in the Book of Life." Those who have believed in Christ as Saviour and who have repented of their sin will be ushered into heaven where they will be with God forever when Christ says,"well done thou good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of your Lord."
You wouldn't ignore the importance of time when it comes to your physical and/or emotional development or the many other significant affairs of life. Therefore, please don't ignore the time that you have to make your decision about your eternal destiny - today is the day of salvation. Tormorrow, because of unforseen and uncontrolled circumstances, you may be robbed of your opportunity to know Christ as Saviour.
Come to Him today by:
admitting that you are a sinner separated from God
calling upon God for forgiveness of sin
confessing your sins to God in sorrow of heart
repenting and turning from your present lifestyle
living a Godly life which comes through reading Scripture
sharing your new found faith with others.
In so doing you will know that you are born again and that you have eternal life into the ages, world without end!