Gospel Tract Outreach

I really do appreciate you taking the time to visit this website. My sincere prayer is that you have been blessed, encouraged, and edified in your faith walk so that you now can fulfill God's call upon your life.
I strongly encourage you to remember that 'planting the good seed of the gospel' is an opportunity and not an option. Every Christian should be excited about introducing others to Christ's saving grace.
Below you will find a comments form; please use this to comment about our website, the articles posted on the PDF web page, and the gospel tracts posted on the tract list. Also, if you need encouragement or 'tools' to develop your evangelistic outreach ministry, please use the 'comment form' to inform me of this and I will gladly send you related materials that will guide you into an enlarged, more fruitful ministry in this area.
Please remember - we are workers together with God announcing the Kingdom to those who are the least, the last and the lost so that they, like us, may know the abundant life God offers those who will call upon Him in repentance. We gladly cooperate by providing tracts, PDF articles, MSPowerPoint presentations, and bibliographies of help materials when requested. God richly bless you for time and eternity!

"Inviting Humanity To Christ's Table Of
Grace Through Gospel Tract Outreach!"